Thursday, November 13, 2008

take a moment to think simply and historically with your heart

go here to sign a petition to repeal this awful proposition

thanks ben, for sending this link


kim said...

Hey Kit-tay-na-ney-nay,
hank you for posting this. My co-worker was just telling me about this and I was stoked you posted it and I got to see it. Pretty powerful stuff and the sentiment is right on.

peakie said...


Not only am I confused as to why those who voted "yes," even care as the law doesn't affect them, but I have no idea why this is even an issue. We have friends over seas in war, a growing population of kids not getting the education they need to succeed later in life, an economy that's falling apart, and fuel consumption problem with no viable solution. And we're fighting over who can/can't marry each other? Give me a god damn break.
Why don't we also start a nation wide conversation asking if we use too many tomatoes on our sandwiches? Do Americans pick their noses too often? Should we ban "picking?"
We are a bunch of low minded idiots.

Ames said...

It's not over that's for sure.... love this, thanks kitty j