Wednesday, April 29, 2009


i snapped this photo at a freelance catering job i did a few months ago in a house on the upper east side. this little redhead 8-year-old was teasing me--asking for photos then running away. something about this image makes me love life....

Sunday, April 26, 2009

thursday, 26 february, 2009: jakob the docent

i used to be the docent in this amazing art class, which means i was a helper. now that i'm the exalted teacher's assistant, i realize what an overachieving docent i was (surprised?). docents come each semester and they go. but only until jakob came this semester did anyone measure up to the advanced level of genuine ass-kissing, bending-over-backwards, and intuiting-my-every need that i did. and now i understood why everyone loves me.
because i love jakob. he makes life easier and so pleasantly too. and i love how, despite the fact that there are 200+ built in seats with desks, jakob insists on sitting in a separate chair in the corner. all the better to jump up and help kitty joe's any whim. including feeding the parking meter quarters at hourly intervals when i have the boss's truck. oh, abuse of power....

Friday, April 24, 2009

waking up in bed stuy

these days are long and full. i've been waking up with the sun...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

un dia tipico

what can i say? i've abandonned you. you've probably abandonned me. sorry! life is transient and jammed packed as i head into my final three weeks of school running way behind. i have secrets i cannot tell, so i give you a new photo from habana vieja, whose spell i haven't yet shaken.

Monday, April 13, 2009

rez's mom

tuesday, 24 february 2009 rez's mom

it's another poll. which one do you prefer, and why? these two benefit from clicking to enlarge. i'm most interested in the sparkle the sunlight gives to little details like hair, eyes. and the fine lines that women try to hide, yet, how beautiful she is.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

breaking news: students and faculty protest the impending graduation of kitty joe

"she will be missed greatly around here. these halls will just not be the same without her stellar fashion sense & broad smile. i'm considering dropping out....", remarked one student dressed in black and carrying vigil candles.
police were sent in when overzealous students blocked her exit.

okay, if you want to read the real story, it's here.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

room with a view

the crazy thing about this building across the street is that i could see somone inside sweeping...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

waffle woven

despite the fact that i stayed an extra week or so in cuba, i didn't really get a chance to slow down enough to capture the little magic moments that made it so special. but this was a rare one that i did. just the bedspread at the casa particular.