Friday, May 11, 2007

mad for manhattan bridge

a couple of weeks ago, my 'shadows, textures, reflections' class took a field trip to the brooklyn bridge. i was originally super excited about this class because of the snazzy title, however, it turns out the name should have been 'nyc shooting' class. which would still be fine. just don't tempt me with cool names and then never mention those words once. not to mention the fact that because of the class time, we were generally shooting the two hours surrounding high noon, which any photographer knows is a no-no!
but enough of my belly aching. some of my favorite images from the brooklyn bridge trip were actually the manhattan bride. i don't know why. i was reaching for the true title of the class, and found some lovely puddles reflecting the bridge (above). also, who could resist the urge to lie down in the middle of a cobblestone street in brooklyn to take this shot. answer: my other ten classmates who did not get up with a grey belly! and don't worry, the cars drive a lot slower on cobblestone. after they've dumped the bodies in the river....

click on the image to the left to sneak a peak of the empire state building.

and did you , my myriad of readers, know that in addition to clicking on photos for a larger view, you can make comments? don't be lazy, just sign in!

i'll do the ever iconic brooklyn bridge another day.


Amy said...
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Amy said...

Kitty, the first one of the bridge in the puddle is amazing! I love it! The Empire State Building peak is cute, I like the angle and perspective of the photo. Maybe we can go looking for shadows and reflections when I visit! Amy :)