Monday, July 16, 2007

ah the cycle of life

before i grew tomatoes, i never knew how it all happened, so here is a visual lesson for the day. on the top you see the flower blooms whose sweet scents summon the bees. without the bees, the cute little tomatoes on the bottom wouldn't grow. pretty cool, huh? i guess there's somthing to the birds and the bees .... initially, emillia the polish-tomato-guru-stone-cold-fox fretted that the bees wouldn't visit my tomatoes flowers, since they reside on the second floor fire escape. but i was pretty certain that a bee or a spider or anything else creepy-crawly wouldn't hesitate to fly up at least 36 stories if it meant scaring, biting or stinging me.


kim said...

Oh, you are so cute--it is as if you did not grow up in the country!!!! Maybe you were too busy hating horses and obsessing about Depeche Mode to notice the magic of nature. Not that I am the biggest nature bunny, but obviously, I still need to take you backpacking some day!!

Anonymous said...

I saw your tomatoes on your blog! WOW, who knew the bees can fly so high. Alenka tried to grow tomatoes on her balcony, NONE! But it was 14th Floor!
My zucchini is still growing! Unbelievable, what's in these eggs?
Take care,