Sunday, August 5, 2007

fun quote of the week

distressed me: "we need to put these boxes out on the fire escape for three days in the hot sun (don't ask why!), but the forecast says it will thunderstorm every other day until we die...."

cute-foreign-boyfriend: "maybe we could put one of those plastic things over it. what is it called....a turd?"

laughing me: "a turd? do you mean a tarp?!"

cute-foreign-boyfriend: "oh yeah--not a turd--a tarp. what is a turd, again?"


Anonymous said...

Hmm, what is "third" then?

Anonymous said...

Great to see you and Emre the other night Kitty! So good to have you back in the city. That was a hilarious dialogue with Emre you posted on your blog. See you soon!

Amy said...

Kitty, that is downright hilarious!!! I am laughing so hard I'm crying. You have to tell Emre thank you for the best laugh I've had in a while. Amy

kitty joe said...

amy--welcome to my world. these funny moments make up for the really frustrating ones where we simply can't figure out what the fuck the other is remotely talking about!