having conquered the land, we will head back to istanbul and then back to the states. where did the time go? um, that's kim and i challenging the penis-shaped rock formations of cappadocia with our brawny, manly muscles.
kitty joe ste-Marie lives in greenpoint, brooklyn and has catlike reflexes and the ingenuity of Lex Luthor. her mental fortitude is also somewhat legendary.
kitty joe enjoys eating toenails (just as a snack), doesn't take BS, enjoys the new york times just for the articles, thinks patchouli oil should be banned, believes a fake bio is a real sign of genius (and a subtle cry for help), and wonders what you're doing right now. stay alive, she will find you.
did you say Penis? guess who....xo
Wow, what a surprise seeing this picture! Hope your trip is going well.
penis. yes i did. guess who? naomi? xavier?
Ha ha!!! I love seeing backstory pics of Kim. Love it! Glad you had a great trip.
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