Monday, September 10, 2007

more vegetable porn OR flattery will get you everywhere OR still life with homegrown peppers

yes, that is my bra. you might scratch your head and think, "why would kitty arrange such a ridiculous still life?" and to you i say. i didn't arrange it. this chaos is a hallmark of my crazy apartment. we're still in boxes. going on the third month of that joy. so an overturned chair holding both my bra and the colander of vegetables i picked from the fire escape is a perfectly normal sight here at bedbug central. my eye was merely caught by the coincidental matching color spree.

closed the door to the empty bay ridge apartment i was sleeping in (extermination number 4, my friends) saturday morning at 6am to ride the subway for two hours to work a spoiled 13 year old's bat mitzvah. i know, you're jealous. left the shell-shocked cat huddled against the closet wall. with all of this getting crated up and left with strangers every two weeks this summer, she is constantly threatening suicide, refusing to eat. thank god she's not one of those i'm-mad-at-you-so-i'm-going-to-pee-on-your-bed kind of cats because frankly, that just might send me over the edge right after her.

with this lovely outlook, emilia easily brightened my day at work by declaring, "kitty, i'm addicted to your blog!" and to emilia, i say: flattery will get you everywhere. hence today's edition of 'more vegetable porn'. i'd been sitting on this photo of emilia proudly wielding her eggplant for quite some time, trying to put some distance between the barage of vegetable related posts that dominated my blog this summer. but truthfully, the veggies were the highlight of one shitty summer. so here you go, emilia. you are one foxy polish chick! have i mentioned that before?

i know, amy, the focus below is slightly off. i was trying really hard! naturally it seemed on the shots i nailed the focus, the composition was poor (concentrating too hard on the focus?)


Amy said...

Kitty, the focus may be a bit off (really when you make it bigger), but the composition rocks! Love how the lines draw the eye straight to the veggies. Sister Christian

Naomi Campbell said...

Psha on the composition. I'm just amazed that you're growing real live veggies on your balcony in B'land while I can barely get my hair to grow. You rock Kitty Kat.

kim said...

While I am "working from home" with Ginger on my lap (Rosie is napping), I decided to look at your blog. Ginger pointed at Prussia, and said, "I like those kitties!" When I said, what else do you want to tell auntie Kitty? She pointed your photo and said "red, blue, black and blue. I like that!"

kitty joe said...

ginger loves brooklyn, likes my kitties and my color palette. i'd say she's secured her invitation to auntie kitty's place. once we can shake these bugs. for sure this has slowed down the number of houseguests we have!

Anonymous said...


I would like to say hello to emilia :)

I'm bochen(at), friend from poland.

Anonymous said...

hi bochen. it's been 6 years and i still haven't finished your homework...:)
thanks kitty for letting me know! i can't believe it...

Amy said...

Glad to see it isn't just Abbie and I having conversations in Kitty's comment area!!!