kitty joe ste-Marie lives in greenpoint, brooklyn and has catlike reflexes and the ingenuity of Lex Luthor. her mental fortitude is also somewhat legendary.
kitty joe enjoys eating toenails (just as a snack), doesn't take BS, enjoys the new york times just for the articles, thinks patchouli oil should be banned, believes a fake bio is a real sign of genius (and a subtle cry for help), and wonders what you're doing right now. stay alive, she will find you.
Thank you Kitty. Love these pix. The one of Rosie and Tristan just kills me.
Oh my gosh...these are AMAZING. I haven't even gone through Kim's latest round of photos she sent around, but wow. Great shots!
1/2 arroyo twins rule!
yet another 1/2 arroyo twin
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