Thursday, February 19, 2009

home is where the heart is?

before i ditched my old phone i almost forgot that i'd been taking a few pictures with it. pictures of things that grabbed me and made me upset that i didn't have a camera on me. they had to be special in order to warrant enduring the poor quality to share them. except i could never figure out how to get them out of the phone. enter emir. do you know that not only do i have an in house turkish techie to help me through my 'special' computer skills, but also his brother? it's incredible. it makes it almost worth enduring emre's musical affinities.
i said almost.

this subway graffiti warmed me heart.


Anonymous said...

Speaking of phone cameras, today I stopped in a kids clothing store and saw some zebra striped baby pants - that's the photo I texted you, in case you couldn't tell!

kitty joe said...

I didn't get your text!

Amy said...

Those techies sure can come in handy! :)

kim said...

Does this mean you are never moving back? :(

Amy said...

Kim, she'll just have to bring them with her! :)